Thursday, July 3, 2008


When I was growing up I had 2 younger brothers and a younger sister.My big little brother (this is what i have always called him) is a wonderful man. He is loving, affectionate, intelligent and a hard worker, But he is extremely opinionated and has a very short memory. He is quick to judge and very stubborn. This means if you stuff up he is not likely to let you forget it anytime soon and will not hold back in letting you know exactly what you did wrong. I love him to peices but he is quick to forget the mistakes he has made and would rather make me feel guilty about the ones I have made that let me bring up the ones he has made. For a while there we had a very close and loving relationship. But errors on boths sides has left us not even talking to each other at the moment. I love him very much and I think maybe the reason he is able to hurt me so much is because I partly agree with him in the mistakes I have made and I am furious that he is unable to admit his part in those mistakes.My other brother is a very quiet, smart, loving and sensitive. He is my brother, I love him, he loves me but we are very different people and we have very different lives. So when we see each other we talk for hours and spend lots of good quality time together but this only happens about twice a year. He has an old soul and is always humble and forgives easily. He is by no means a doormat but always willing to give other people (especially family) a chance to explain. He doesn't judge the way people live there lives. I think thats why I always look forward to seeing him.I wish I saw more of him or even just talked on the phone more often.
My younger sister is beautiful, incredibly intelligent, a social butterfly and very fickle. To her all that matters is today.Of course she has made plans for her future and with Dad being sick she is quick to give things up to be with him and help mum out which I am so proud of her for doing. She and I have a weird relationship. I wasn't around much when she was growing up so it is only in the last couple of years that we have really gotten close. As much as you can with a 15 year old who worries you will do something to embarrass her . But she is so much fun and I am only just starting to scratch the surface on the kind of person she is. I guess it is harder for me to describe her personality, but I do know when I am with her she makes me feel young and funny and fun to be with and that's why I love spending time with her.
Recently I have found out that I have two other half brothers and two step brothers. I love them all but because I have not grown up with them I do not know much about them. But I like to be around them. It's fun discovering how much we have in common.
I think now my siblings are starting to shape the person I am more than when I was younger. I am picking up parts of their personality. My sister makes me want to be more fun and both my brothers make me wanna be more tolerant and as for the new brothers who knows how they will shape the person I become?

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